Monday, July 8, 2013

What does "Clean Eating" mean? 

A lot of people who have recently discovered my passion for fitness think I eat nothing but rabbit food. Fortunately, that is not true. I actually like to eat a lot, plus rabbit food. I eat in moderation and cater to my body's needs the best way I can with providing the nutrients it needs.
The definition of "clean eating" varies amongst many. So I'll share mine
1. I try to stick to fruits and vegetables that are organic as possible. All labels on your produce usually has a number. If that number starts with a 9, it is considered to be organic. 

2. I try to stick to lean meats because as much as I love beef and pork (mmMmm bacon) once I stopped eating it, I literally felt like crap when I went back to indulge. Besides the groggy feeling it leaves me with leaner meats have been proven to be healthier because of the percentage of fat it possesses. I am not saying beef or pork is bad because they do have leaner cuts of them I just suggest that be eaten in weekly moderation. 

3. I eat all the fruits and vegetables I want! It takes a lot of vegetables to reach a high number of calories. Vegetables are low in calories and possess a lot of nutrients that our body needs. All the fruit I want usually is only about max four pieces of whole fruits a day. For e.g. an apple, banana, mango, and orange.

4.I tend to eat 3 big meals a day with snacks to sustain my body in between. My breakfast and lunch I get my heavier carbs in and then for dinner just vegetables and meat. I stay away from a lot of starches with the exception of sweet potatoes. I usually get my good fats from nuts, but heavier starches like sweet potatoes are fine as well. It depends on what your goals are. (I'm looking to build muscle, but stay lean). 

5. I drink lots of water and pee all the time! Yes it is annoying BUT The more I keep up with my food and drinking/sipping my water throughout the day I find myself never feel as though I am in desperate hunger for food. 

6. I personally do not consume a lot of dairy because of the growth hormones being injected into the cows and other dairy is processed, but I find the best alternative is almond milk. 

P.S. I do not count my calories. I tried it for a couple days and failed miserably because I did not see why it was necessary in terms of my own fitness goals. I just try to overall eat in moderation regularly to get the nutrients my body needs. 

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